it's-a me! ewilio!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

et voila

Il mio ultimo lavoretto, fatto a scappatempo una mezz'oretta al giorno durante le pause pranzo.

Altra robaccia la trovate sul mio sitozzo personale.

Monday, October 30, 2006

eccoci qua

Diamo un senso a questa paginetta con questo post e con questa immagine:

Ve lo ricordate? E' l'Animillo, il magico vermillo!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

the most awesome picture ever!

Not only because of all the references (yeah, there's Tiki the kiwi too) but even because of the style. I simply love it.

did you spot Disk Kun?

Warning: don't use it as your wallpaper: it's way too distracting.

Monday, July 10, 2006



Saturday, June 24, 2006


Playing Phoenix Wright is like reading a great book. And because of that I'm taking my time with it, trying to discover every tiny bit the game has to offer, little by little, day by day. Got the game in April, finished chapter four last night. Now that's a slow pace!

It also inspired me in doing something with good ol' Photoshop. Something like this:

original, heh?

Does it make me a heretic saying that I'm enjoying it way more than the New Super Mario Bros?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Happy Birthday, Prince!

Also, happy 27 to me.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

after the storm

Lots and lots of great things came out of Nintendo's Press Conference. Phoenix Wright 2, the US version of Ouendan (which looks like to e a completely new game) and those Wii trailers look hot.

But the best of the best? Why, this:

yay! yay!
source: GoNintendo

I just can't believe it. After ten long years...

Update: and now there's a video too!